Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives


ANR “Neurological and Psychiatric diseases“ NUCLEIPARK

Participants : Christian Barillot, Sylvain Prima, Juan Francisco Garamendi Bragado.

NucleiPark project: In the context of the ANR-09-MNPS-016 Nucleipark project we develop a pipeline for detecting shape changes in Parkinson and Paralysis Supranuclear Progressive (PSP) diseases.The pipeline is based on the previous work of Benoit Combès et al.  [58] . The pipeline was first validated on controlled synthetic data. For Parkinson disease, a total of 16 patients and 11 healthy controls were evaluated. The structuctures analyzed were: PPN, GPe, GPi, Caudatge, Putamen, SN, STN, RN. Differences (uncorrected P <0.001) were found in the right putamen and caudate structures. And slight difference (uncorrected P<0.05) in the right GPe. No significant correlation was found in PPN, GPi, SN, STN, and RN structures. In the case of PSP disease, a total of 10 patients and 11 healthy controls were evaluated. the structures analyzed were: PPN, GPe, GPi, Caudate, Putamen, SN, STN, RN. Differences (uncorrected P <0.001) were found in the left caudate structure. No significant correlation was found in PPN,GPe, GPi, Putamen, SN, STN, and RN structures.

In the context of this project, we propose a statistical data analysis pipeline that uses the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) as biomarker. The ADC is computed considering the diffusion weighted signal as a scalar field on a 5-D manifold. This consideration allows to keep the information about direction of the ADC. We have tested the proposed pipeline on synthetic dataset with promising results. Other contributions were the implementation and minimization, in the 5-D non-euclidean space, of the total variation (in its dual formulation) inpainting problem as interpolation method used in the statistical pipeline.

ANR Cosinus VIP

Participants : Fang Cao, Olivier Commowick, Christian Barillot.

VIP is collaborative project supported by ANR "Conception and Simulation"; it was accepted in 2009 (around 1 million euros). VIP aims at building a computing environment enabling multi-modality, multi-organ and dynamic (4D) medical image simulation, using GRID infrastructure. The goal is to integrate proven simulation software of the four main imaging modalities (MRI, US, PET and X-Ray/CT), and to cope interoperability challenges among simulators. The partners are CREATIS in Lyon (main contractor, Principal Investigator: Tristan Glatard), UNS-I3S in Nice, CEA-LETI in Grenoble and MAAT-G Maat G, a spanish company. The role of VISAGES in this project concerns primarily Task 1.1 and Task 3.3, focusing respectively on ontologies development and application to multiple sclerosis images simulation. This grant serves as support for the positions of Olivier Luong (PhD student) and Germain Forestier (post-doc).

AINSI Inria joint project

Participants : Christian Barillot, Isabelle Corouge, Pierre Maurel, Jean-Christophe Ferré, Elise Bannier, Camille Maumet.

We have been involved in a 2-year Inria ARC project AINSI (http://thalie.ujf-grenoble.fr/ainsi ). AINSI stands for “Modeles statistiques pour l’Assimilation d’Informations de Neuroimagerie fonctionnelle et de perfuSIon cerebrale”. The goal is to propose an innovative statistically well-based solution to the joint determination of neural activity and brain vascularization by combining BOLD constrast images obtained in functional MRI and quantitative parametric images (Arterial Spin Labelling: ASL). The partners involved are the Mistiss project from Inria in Grenoble (Lead F. Forbes) and Parietal in Saclay, the INSERM Unit U594 (Grenoble Institute of Neuroscience) and the LNAO laboratory from CEA NeuroSpin.


Participants : Fang Cao, Laurence Catanese, Olivier Commowick, Isabelle Corouge, Jean-Christophe Ferré, Elise Bannier, Gilles Edan, Christian Barillot.

It is now commonly admitted that MS is not only an inflammatory disease but a neurodegenerative disease as well. This project is devoted to show that the olesoxime molecule is not only neuroprotective, but it has the ability to promote the maturation of oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPCs) into myelinating oligodendrocytes. However, before considering a large-scale clinical trial to assess efficacy. An important aspect is that to date, no treatment for neuroprotection / remyelination has reached the stage of clinical proof of concept that aims Trophos company who is leading this project. It appears that the best criteria for assessing neuroprotective/remyelinating effect of the drug candidate, are MRI criteria. However, these imaging criteria have not yet been validated for use in multicentre trials - so we will also check the feasibility of such measures under this condition. In addition to Trophos company, the partners of this project are AP-HM/CNRSCEMEREM-CRMBM, CHU Rennes, CHU Reims, and Inria-VISAGES.

Competitivity Clusters

The HEMISFER Project

Participants : Elise Bannier, Isabelle Bonan, Isabelle Corouge, Jean-Christophe Ferré, Jean-Yves Gauvrit, Pierre Maurel, Lorraine Perronnet, Christian Barillot.

The HEMISFER project ("Hybrid Eeg-MrI and Simultaneous neuro-FEedback for brain Rehabilitation") will be conducted at Inria Rennes with the support of the Cluster of Excellence "CominLabs" (https://iww.inria.fr/cominlabs-newsletter/april-2013-four-projects-selected/#hemisfer ). The goal of HEMISFER is to make full use of the neurofeedback paradigm in the context of rehabilitation and psychiatric disorders. The major breakthrough will come from the use of a coupling model associating functional and metabolic information from Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) to Electro-encephalography (EEG) to "enhance" the neurofeedback protocol. We propose to combine advanced instrumental devices (Hybrid EEG and MRI platforms), with new man-machine interface paradigms (Brain computer interface and serious gaming) and new computational models (source separation, sparse representations and machine learning) to provide novel therapeutic and neuro-rehabilitation paradigms in some of the major neurological and psychiatric disorders of the developmental and the aging brain (stroke, attention-deficit disorder, language disorders, treatment-resistant mood disorders, …). This project will be conducted with the HYBRID and PANAMA Teams from Inria Rennes, the EA 4712 team from University of Rennes I and the ATHENA team from Inria Sophia-Antipolis. This work will benefit from the research 3T MRI and MRI-compatible EEG systems provided by the NeurInfo in-vivo neuroimaging platform on which these new research protocols will be set up. A budget of 500keuros will be provided by the CominLabs cluster in the next 3 years to support this project (through experimental designs, PhDs, Post-docs and Expert Engineers).

France Life Imaging (FLI)

Participants : Christian Barillot, Olivier Commowick, Michael Kain.

France Life Imaging (FLI) is a proposed large-scale research infrastructure project aimed at establishing a coordinated and harmonized network of biomedical imaging in France. This project was recently selected by the call “Investissements d’Avenir - Infrastructure en Biologie et Santé”. One node of this project is the node Information Analysis and Management (IAM), a transversal node build by a consortium of teams that will contribute to the construction of a network for data storage and information processing. Instead of building yet other dedicated facilities, the IAM node will use already existing data storage and information processing facilities (LaTIM Brest; CREATIS Lyon; CIC-IT Nancy; Visages U746 Inria Rennes; CATI CEA Saclay; LSIIT/ICube Strasbourg) that will increase their capacities for the FLI infrastructure. Inter-connections and access to services will be achieved through a dedicated software platform that will be developed based on the expertise gained through successful existing developments. The IAM node has several goals. It aims first at building a versatile facility for data management that will inter-connect the data production sites and data processing for which state-of-the-art solutions, hardware and software, will be available to infrastructure users. Modular solutions are preferred to accommodate the large variety of modalities acquisitions, scientific problems, data size, and adapted for future challenges. Second, it aims at offering the latest development that will be made available to image processing research teams. The team VISAGES fulfills multiple roles in this nation-wide project. Christian Barillot is the chair of the node IAM, Olivier Commowick is participating in the working group workflow and image processing and Michael Kain the technical manager. Apart from the team members, software solutions like medInria and Shanoir will be part of the final software platform.


Participants : Justine Guillaumont, Elise Bannier, Christian Barillot, Olivier Commowick, Gilles Edan, Isabelle Corouge, Jean-Christophe Ferré, Michael Kain.

The French Observatory of Multiple Sclerosis (OFSEP) is one of 10 projects selected in January 2011 in response to the call for proposal in the “Investissements d’Avenir - Cohorts 2010” program launched by the French Government. It allows support from the National Agency for Research (ANR) of approximately € 10 million for 10 years . It is coordinated by the Department of Neurology at the Neurological Hospital Pierre Wertheimer in Lyon (Professor Christian Confavreux ), and it is supported by the EDMUS Foundation against multiple sclerosis, the University Claude Bernard Lyon 1 and the Hospices Civils de Lyon. OFSEP is based on a network of neurologists and radiologists distributed throughout the French territory and linked to 61 centers. OFSEP national cohort includes more than 35,000 people with Multiple Sclerosis, approximately half of the patients residing in France. The generalization of longitudinal monitoring and systematic association of clinical data and neuroimaging data is one of the objectives of OFSEP in order to improve the quality , efficiency and safety of care and promote clinical, basic and translational research in MS. For the concern of data management, the Shanoir platform of Inria has been retained to manage the imaging data of the National OFSEP cohort in multiple sclerosis.